This just cracks me up.

Bloggers trying to buck up and beef with each other in cyberspace is like 50 Cent and Ja Rule with USB keys. You can just imagine the trash talk "Yeah mess with me and I got a Perez Hilton redirect for you right here, son!"

So today, Mack Collier at Viral Garden chronicled the Peter Kim v. Robert Scoble dust up. Peter Kim called shenanigans on Robert Scoble over what measurements matter on Twitter. And for good measure, Scoble throws in some requisite Jason Calcanis "haterade". Please guys really. I can see it now; at the next SXSW, they'll be throwing up blog gang signs...
Blogger gang sign as popularized on boingboing.

Wiki gang sign

What can we the blogosphere do to settle this blog beef? What we've always done in America, either dance it out...

or call in the Techno Viking...

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